Facial cleansing with honey, soap, and glycerin.

Facial cleansing with honey, soap, and glycerin.

Facial cleansing with honey, soap, and glycerin.

Facial cleansing with honey, soap, and glycerin.

Keeping your face clean is also an art that requires proper use of expensive household items,

Awareness.rather than the advice of expensive creams, medicines and specialists for costly fees.

If you are familiar with the everyday use of properties, many problems will be discussed by the doctor and

Without meeting experts and spending hundreds of rupees on fees and medicines help

Cleaning and other issues can be solved.

Honey, soap, and glycerin are more readily available in every home.

Because in their daily life they are often needed.

The benefits of using these three items are individually different.

But if used in combination with the right amount, facial skin healing can increase.

This is Facial cleansing with honey, soap, and glycerin.

Here’s how to use it.

4 tablespoons of honey,

1 tablespoon of soap solution, water-soluble soap that has as well as become a liquid.

Half a cup of glycerin that is readily available from any medical store.

Combine these three items and make a paste.

Apply this solution slowly on the face of the help of Face Sponge.

After drying it in the open air for a few minutes, rinse the face with warm water.

The facial expression will be a few.

Eggs: Eliminate all skin issues.

The skin can be divided into three types.

Smooth skin, that is, a skin that feels oily when applied.

This is why the English call it lubricating.

Dry skin, which is obstructed and always feels as well as if the mouth was washed away.

The middle that is healthy then skin that is neither too dry nor dry.

Eggs are an excellent recipe for all three types of skin:

They can also  divided into three types if examined.

The Facial cleansing with honey, soap, and glycerin.

Number 1 apricot.

2 Number egg white.

Number 3 whole egg yolk and egg whites.

All three situations have their implications.

The yolk is the best thing for smooth skin.

Egg whites for dry skin.

Whole egg,  yellow and white malar, is the best recipe for all skin types.

Unusual prescription for keeping the facial skin soft:

An excellent recipe for as well as keeping skin soft and supple:

Which gives skin freshness and freshness.


1 Tablespoon of honey.

One  spoonful of well-almond almonds.

1 tablespoon of barley flour.

A tablespoon of lemon juice or yogurt.

Use method:

Mix all these ingredients in such a right way and make a paste.

Mix it all up,

Then gently apply this paste on the face until a layer formed.

Then wait for this layer to dry.

When thoroughly dry, rinse the face with warm water.

Almonds and barley with lemons and honey with as well as rich ingredients capable of refreshing the face

The combination of them further enhances their natural ability.

As a result, the combined effects of all of these ingredients have proven to as well as be effective in softening the skin.

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