11 Habits To Avoid For Hair Not To Be Damaged

11 Habits To Avoid For Hair Not To Be Damaged

Hair, as the crown of the head also supports appearance.

We should take care and care for us.

Sometimes we can change the model to increase self-confidence.

Healthy hair also makes you feel comfortable in your head.

Sometimes, because of the daily activities, we forget to treat our hair.

As a result, the hair becomes tangled. Even broken and branched.

Leftover hair damage, will trigger other problems such as hair loss, broken hair.

Even the risk of baldness. Especially if left dirty.

Dandruff can appear at any time.

Therefore, the importance of keeping the scalp and hair healthy, needs to be considered.

With small habits like avoiding habits that can damage hair.

Here we review 11 habits that must be avoided to prevent hair damage.

11 Habits That Should Be Avoided To Prevent Hair Damage

Excessive shampooing

Don’t over-shampoo! Indeed the goal is good, to wash your hair from dust and dirt that sticks all day after activity.

However, too much is not good. Because wet hair is more fragile than when it’s dry.

Therefore, shampooing should not be too attractive because it can break the hair shaft.

If you have an oily head so you have to wash it every day, you should do it in the morning.

Rinse Hair With Hot Water

Do not rinse your hair using hot water.

Because hot water can weaken the hair shaft so that it easily breaks and falls out.

Always use cold water to wash your hair. Hot water can also remove natural hair oils.

If that happens the scalp will be triggered to produce more oil and become excessive.

Use any shampoo for shampooing

Using any shampoo for shampooing is also not good.

Because the types of scalp and human hair vary.

Choose a shampoo that is suitable for your skin type and hair.

No wonder there are so many shampoo products that have a variety of variants.

Because their needs and uses vary. Pay attention to each composition and material used.

Then which shampoo is suitable?

If it’s already done, immediately replace shampoomu with a suitable product,

or with a shampoo that contains all types of scalp and hair.

Examples such as Hair Angelica Green Shampoo.

This shampoo is suitable for all hair types and uses premium quality natural ingredients to overcome hair problems.

Rarely Nourish Hair

It is rare to nourish your hair and it will also cause damage to your hair and make it dry and break easily.

Hair nutrition can be obtained by using a hair conditioner, or using hair vitamins every time after shampooing.

Vitamins and nutrients are important for healthy hair.

Combing Hair When Still Wet

Wet hair should not be combed. It’s better to wait dry first.

Wet hair is more fragile than when it’s dry.

Therefore if you comb your hair when wet it could be broken and damaged because you are attracted to the comb.

Wait to dry, or slightly dry and to comb it not too tight.


Cigarette has become a lifestyle. But smoking is also not good for the health of the body, including hair.

Smoking will constrict blood vessels and limit oxygen flowing to the scalp.

So that the nutrients needed by the scalp are blocked.

Smoking will also accelerate thinning and the appearance of gray hair.

Using a Towel to Wrap the Head

Covering the head with a towel can damage the hair.

Because the surface of the towel has a texture that is not good for hair.

Especially when the towel is dry.

Will further damage the hair and can make it branch and break.

Use a hair dryer or towel that is lighter and softer in texture.

Often Using a Hairdryer

Using a hair dryer is better than dressing your hair with a rough towel.

But that does not mean you can use Hairdryers too often.

The hot temperature on the hair dryer will weaken the hair.

So that makes the hair become more fragile and easily broken.

After using the hair dryer, leave the hair briefly until it’s really cold. Or dry it using a fan.

Too Much Using Hair Care Products

Caring for hair in an excessive way like this is not good.

Because the content of each product used has different uses for different types of scalp.

Mixing the use of several products together will further damage the hair.

Therefore, use products that are specific to hair types and needs.

This is most often experienced by many people.

Lazy washing your hair can also make your hair damaged.

Because dust and dirt will continue to accumulate and increase every day.

The condition of dirty scalp is not healthy.

Can trigger fungi, itching and dandruff.

When itching when we often scratch it, it will also damage the hair.

Those are some of the habits that we must avoid so as not to scrape the hair and keep it healthy.

This habit can be applied every day easily. But the impact on hair is very large.

Balance with the use of Angelica Green Hair Tonic

To nourish the hair, also use Angelica Green Hair Tonic.

Hair Tonic serves to nourish the hair and prevent it from various problems such as hair loss, dandruff, and even the risk of baldness.

Also triggers new hair growth quickly when hair loss and baldness have occurred.

Use it regularly every morning after bathing, also before going to bed at night.

Spray into the hair root, then massage gently until it permeates the whole.

Green Angelica Hair Tonic will help restore damaged or fall hair, grow new hair faster than normal,

also effective for those of you who are experiencing baldness or severe hair loss.

So that your hair grows back and healthy.

Also avoid hair damage.

The main benefits of this Green Angelica Hair Tonic are

Speed ​​up new hair growth naturally

Replace damaged hair with new hair

Maintain healthy roots and hair shaft

Treating baldness caused by alopecia and totalis

Flatten hair that is too thin

Fertilize hair and make it stronger, avoid falling out


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