Rice water is good for hair to grow longer
Anyone who ever decided that cutting bangs out of stress was a good idea -this one is for you.
It’s also said to help de-frizz the hair, making it easier to detangle
The moment I looked at my reflection in the mirror, a huge wave of regret washed over me as
I put down the scissors.
‘’What have I done?
I don’t even like bangs or know how to cut hair’’ I thought to myself.
so using rice water will help in adding hydration, potentially minimizing the appearance of it
Many of the natural remedies included ingredients that I didn’t have on hand except for
One – rice water.
Rice was as common as it gets in terms of Asian household ingredients so it didn’t get
Easier than this.
Additionally, the process and application of rice water was seemingly straightforward enough.
Rice water is good for hair natural grow longer
Rice water is a final rinse tonic after shampooing and conditioning your hair.
After pouring a decent amount of rice water all over your hair, gently massage it into
Leave your scalp to dry as you normally would.
The process of making rice water at home is super simple.
Fortify, and thoroughly rinse a cup of uncooked rice.
Add two to three cups of clean water and leave it to soak for 30 minutes.
Fermenting the rice in water will enhance the antioxidant levels of your rice water tonic.
Strain the mixture and there you go – your homemade hair rejuvenator.
Women in Thailand take it one step further by adding jasmine into the mixture, Which is
also known for its nourishing and strengthening properties.
Rice water is good for skin hair to grow longer
Possible benefits of rice water
Was this a clickbait scam or can rice soaked in water help your hair grow longer?
While the treatment has only recently caught attention online, rice water has been used
by Southeast Asian women for centuries. The starch in rice acts like a conditioner.
Healthier Hair natural grow longer
‘’It lays on the outer follicle of hair, what’s called the cuticle, and works to prevent the follicles
From rubbing against each other and fraying or breaking,”
Rice is also rich in inositol, an antioxidant that is often referred to as a “hair growth agent”
In addition to inositol, rice contains numerous amino acids, Vitamins, and minerals such as
Vitamin B vitamin E, fiber, magnesium, and zinc shield hair from damage and harmful
But is rice water really that powerful?
Some suggest rinsing the mixture out of your hair after 20 minutes, however, letting it soak
Dry into your hair will allow it to absorb better work its natural magic,
With all organic remedies, time is a key factor.
This treatment plan will not produce results overnight but you will produce results
Overnight you will notice your hair feeling silkier and more voluminous
The nourishing properties of rice work to churn out healthier and stronger hair at
A faster rate.
Ah, long hair-